Year opened: 1925
Capacity: 56,500, down from 69,400 at opening
Pitt Stadium, 1925-99
Pro football tenants:
Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL), 1958-69
Postseason games hosted:
Other tenants of note:
University of Pittsburgh, 1925-99
Notes: Steelers split home games between Forbes Field and Pitt Stadium from 1958 to ’63. Grass field was replaced with AstroTurf in 1970, SuperTurf from 1984-89, and then back to AstroTurf in 1990. Temporary lighting was added for a game between Univ. of Pittsburgh and Purdue in 1985. Permanent lights were installed in 1987. Also used for track & field and soccer. Hosted first football game on Sept. 26, 1925 between Univ. of Pittsburgh and Washington & Lee Univ.
Fate: Demolished in 1999, the site is now occupied by the Petersen Events Center and student housing.