aka Spartan Municipal Stadium

Year opened: 1930
Capacity: 8200
Universal Stadium, 1930-70
Spartan Municipal Stadium, 1970 to date
Pro football tenants:
Portsmouth Spartans (NFL), 1930-33
Postseason games hosted:
Other tenants of note:
Portsmouth High School
Notre Dame High School
Notes: Designated an Ohio state historical site, 2003. Owned by City of Portsmouth and originally constructed to accommodate the NFL Spartans. Venue was renamed in honor of the Spartans in 1970, long after the franchise had moved to Detroit. Fire in 1990s caused significant damage, resulting in replacement of the press box. First football game was Spartans vs. Newark Tornadoes, Sept. 14, 1930. Used by Kentucky Warriors of semipro Heartland Football League. Also used for soccer matches.
Fate: Still in use